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Bok Audio Gallery

BOK AUDIO GALLERY is the first and only audio equipment showroom in Malaysia housed within a semi-detached Western-style house. Additionally, this showroom doubles as a filming location for the YouTube channel "Brother Bok," dedicated to testing and showcasing audio products. BOK AUDIO GALLERY features multiple spaces for audio demonstrations, including a living room display area, a karaoke room, a home theater testing room, a stereo sound testing room, and a vinyl record and CD testing area. BOK AUDIO GALLERY will occasionally host various offline events, including wine and HiFi testing events, products launch events, audio testing and review events, lectures and forums. Event information will be announced on our website - stay tuned!

Bok Audio 影音体验坊

BOK AUDIO影音体验坊 是马来西亚第一家也是唯一一家位于半独立式西式住宅内的音响设备展示厅。此外,该展示厅还是 YouTube 频道“玩物不丧志 Brother Bok”的拍摄地点,致力于测试和展示音响产品。BOK AUDIO影音体验坊 拥有多个音响演示空间,包括客厅展示区、卡拉OK室、家庭影院测试室、立体声测试室以及黑胶唱片和CD测试区。 BOK AUDIO影音体验坊 将会不定期举办各种线下活动,包括葡萄酒和Hifi测试活动、产品发布会、音频测试与评论活动、讲座和论坛。活动消息将会公布在网站,敬请垂注。